Articles Archive
Displaying 251 - 260 of 281 items
Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn
Published on Dec. 1, 2017
This collection of papers is the result of efforts by a group of Extension economists across the South. The genesis for these educational programs began where all good extension education programs begin: the needs of farmers and ranchers in the region. Booms and busts in the agricultural economy are not new.
The History and Class Pricing of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders
Published on Sep. 1, 2017
The regulation of milk is an important part of the development of the milk industry and an understanding of the history of milk regulation is critical to understanding the pros and cons of the current industry. Additionally, to understand milk pricing it is important to understand the history of the federal milk marketing orders.
The Unique Qualities of the Southern Milk Marketing Orders
Published on Sep. 1, 2017
Milk is a heavily regulated commodity, and therefore there are a large number of rules that pertain to its production and processing. These regulations are enforced within regional boundaries called federal milk marketing orders.
Days Suitable for Fieldwork in Kentucky
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor and Tyler Mark | Professor
on Sep. 1, 2017
Weather risk plays a unique role and influences many decisions made on the farm. Weather determines when you can get into the field and your ability to perform timely operations such as planting, fertilizing, spraying, and harvesting. Delays from weather events of time-sensitive operations will result in substantial yield and economic losses.
Pastured Based Laying Hens Decision Aid
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor and Samantha Kindred | Extension Associate
on Jun. 10, 2017
Purpose: This decision tool was developed to assist current and potential producers with estimating their costs and returns for a small scale layer enterprise.
Small Scale Broiler Production Decision Aid
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor and Samantha Kindred | Extension Associate
on Jun. 4, 2017
Purpose: This decision tool was developed to assist current and potential producers with estimating their costs and returns for a small scale broiler enterprise. Options Evaluated: The management style options are broken down into two categories: stationary and mobile housing.
Managing Poultry Litter Lessons From The Delmarva and Ohio Valley
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on Jan. 27, 2017
Poultry Litter - Lessons from the Delmarva and the Ohio Valley - recorded at Owensboro Ag Expo, this panel of a Delmarva-area (Delmarva = Delaware, Maryland and Virginia) producer of poultry litter, a Delmarva-area custom hauler and applicator of poultry litter and three farmers in Kentucky who use this nutrient-rich resource talk about its regu
Post-Harvest Management: The Economics of Grain Transportation
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on Sep. 1, 2016
While transporting grain to the market may be the last input cost in the production of grain, it is a critical decision a producer has to make, especially when margins are thin. Determining which market to sell your grain (if you have options) can be a complex decision.
Economic Value of Poultry Litter Tool: Pasture, Hay, and Silage
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on Aug. 15, 2016
This decision tool has been created to help producers determine the economic value of poultry litter. The tool is customizable to reflect each individuals situation when selling, purchasing, and/or applying poultry litter.
Map of Kentucky Grain and Oilseed Markets
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on Jul. 1, 2016
A custom Google Map has been created to include the 80+ locations of grain and oilseed markets across Kentucky and into Tennessee and Ohio. Author(s) Contact Information: